Dr. Rachel’s Low-FODMAP Slow-Cooker Meal Recipes; Easy and Delicious (IBS-friendly!)

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slow cooker low-FODMAP

Here is my low-FODMAP IBS-friendly Recipe list for my favorite Slow-Cooker (Crock Pot) meals.  I love using my slow-cooker, it does most of the job while I can be running errands or working.  Plus there are fewer pots to wash at the end of the night.  Perfect for my family.

This low-FODMAP Slow-Cooker Menu will have new additions soon, so check back often!

You may also love my Best Low-FODMAP Family Meals Collection and my Low-FODMAP 5-day Meal Plan.  Or check out over 600 more low-FODMAP recipes on the blog.  IBS-friendly.

Be healthy and happy,

Rachel Pauls, MD

P.S. Did you know that I have a COOKBOOK ?!

the low-fodmap IBS solution

This is the BEST resource for low-FODMAP diet know-how, a 4 week meal plan and more than 100 low-FODMAP Recipes that prep in 30 minutes or less and have NEVER been published on the blog!

Click this link to learn more!!

Dr. Rachel’s Favorite Low-FODMAP Slow-Cooker Meal Recipes; Easy and Delicious

slow cooker low-FODMAP

  • Low-FODMAP Chili

    • This low-FODMAP recipe is a blog favorite!  Easy and delicious low-FODMAP Chili.

low fodmap beef stew in casserole


  • Low-FODMAP Bolognese Sauce

    • An authentic Italian recipe for that long-simmered flavor of a rich meat sauce.  So good you will need extra bread to get every last bite!

Comments Rating 5 (2 reviews)

6 Responses

  1. Love Low-FODMAP in my slow cooker

    This is awesome! I love my slow cooker and I can’t wait to try all these recipes. The chili and beef stew are already favorites in my house. Thank you!

  2. I’m sooooo confused, how can all this sugar be good for ur gut??? and white flour?? How do these not cause stomach issues. Standard fact they are bad for U???

    1. Hi Shari,
      We aren’t sure which recipe you refer to, but in general, the sugar we use in some recipes is meant to be consumed in a reasonable portion size, in moderation.
      When you state ‘white flour’, do you mean the gluten-free, rice flour blend we suggest? We are not familiar with any suggestion that rice flour has a negative impact on gut health.
      You may find consultation with a registered dietitian to be helpful.
      Good luck!

  3. FODMAP for Real People

    Thank you for your recipes. It’s hot and I don’t want to stand over a stove. Love your blog!

    1. Suzanne,
      Your comment simply made our hearts SING! What a lovely and kind thing to say. You are part of the reasons we do what we do. Stay in touch!!

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As an IBS-sufferer myself, I know how badly you want to feel healthy and happy. I’ve spent over a decade researching IBS and FODMAPs, and my recipes and guidance will help you succeed.

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