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Low-FODMAP White Frosting / ‘Buttercream’ for Wedding Cakes; Gluten-free, Vegan

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Low-FODMAP white ‘buttercream’ frosting.  Ideal for a low-FODMAP wedding cake (like my low-FODMAP Rainbow Celebration Cake recipe; that I modified to be a low-FODMAP rainbow cake), or to cover any low-FODMAP cake.  This recipe uses vegetable shortening to keep the color pure white.  For optimum white color, use colorless vanilla or almond extracts depending on your preference.  This low-FODMAP frosting pipes well, and looks low-FODMAP wedding perfect!

For other low-FODMAP frosting options, see my low-FODMAP Vegan Vanilla ‘Butter’cream or my low-FODMAP Ermine/ Opera cream recipes.  Or else check out over 300 more low-FODMAP recipes on the blog 🙂

Be healthy and happy,

Rachel Pauls, MD

Low-FODMAP White Wedding Frosting / ‘Buttercream’; Gluten-free, Vegan

Although this recipe has not been tested, a single serving should be low-FODMAP based on the ingredients.

Serves 24

Prep time: 10 min

Makes enough for a standard double layer round cake (like my low-FODMAP white cake)


  • 2 cups vegetable shortening
  • 4.5 cups confectioner’s sugar/icing sugar
  • 1.5 tsp colorless vanilla or almond extract
  • 1/2 cup canned coconut milk


  • Cream shortening in stand mixer with whisk attachment until fluffy
  • Add sugar and continue creaming until well-blended (I like to cover the mixer with a dish-towel to reduce sugar spray)
  • Start at a low speed and then slowly speed up, scraping down bowl as necessary
  • The shortening tends to form small balls, if this happens, slowly add the flavorings, then the coconut milk a little at a time until correct consistency
  • Beat at high speed until icing is creamy
  • Perfect on my low-FODMAP White/Rainbow Celebration Cake!

Comments Rating 5 (1 review)

2 Responses

  1. Excellent

    I used Spectrum organic all-veg shortening and this turned out perfectly. I used regular vanilla and it was still white for the rainbow cake

    1. Hi Alex,
      Thank you so much for your review and stars!! Glad the cake was a hit! Stay in touch 🙂

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