Nourishing Low-FODMAP Chicken Soup with Low-FODMAP Matzo Balls recipe; Gluten-free, Dairy-free

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Hey fellow FODMAPPERS! I was missing out on a little Jewish Penicillin lately. Although Passover comes only once a year, low-FODMAP matzo ball soup is a great comfort food anytime. So I decided to make it happen!

First of all: the soup. There are no easily obtained commercial stocks that don’t contain FODMAPs. So I make my own low-FODMAP chicken stock, which helps with a variety of recipes. It’s very simple, requiring just one step and a bit of waiting.  The stock can be placed in freezer bags in small portions and stored in the freezer for later use.

A word about homemade chicken stock:  there’s a reason we serve this up when we are sick.  It is a nutritional superpower that boosts immunity.  Easy and inexpensive, low-FODMAP homemade chicken stock is loaded with amino acids, packed with collagen (beauty food) and gelatin (gut and joint health), as well as tons of vitamins and minerals.  You can’t get that out of a can!  It’s obvious why people have made homemade chicken stock almost since the beginning of time.

The low-FODMAP matzo balls were also easy! I used a commercial brand of matzo and processed it myself. Delicious and nutritious.

You may also enjoy my low-FODMAP Passover Menu and Tips, and my low-FODMAP Mandelbrodt and low-FODMAP Gefilte Fish recipes.  Or try my low-FODMAP Brisket!  You can check out over 550 more low-FODMAP recipes on my blog.

Be healthy and happy,

Rachel Pauls, MD

Nourishing Low-FODMAP Chicken Soup with Low-FODMAP Matzo Balls recipe; Gluten-free, Dairy-free

Although these recipes have not been lab tested, a single serving should be low-FODMAP based on ingredients at time of posting.

Servings: 12 to 15 depending on size of matzo balls

Prep time: for low-FODMAP Stock: 5 minutes’ prep; 12 to 15 hours to cook

Prep time for low-FODMAP Matzo balls: 3 hours (includes 2 hours in fridge to thicken)

Equipment:5 quart or larger slow-cooker (can also do in a large pot)

Yield: About 11 cups stock for a 6 quart slow-cooker

Low-FODMAP Chicken Stock/Soup/Broth


  • 3 pounds chicken wings (can also use thighs or other pieces)
  • 1 tbsp. black peppercorns
  • 1 tbsp. kosher salt
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tsp. parsley
  • 6-8 cups of water depending on the size of your slow-cooker (will fill it within an inch of the top)
  • Add any other low-FODMAP seasonings you prefer (rosemary, sage, dill)

Directions for the low-FODMAP Chicken Broth

  • Place chicken pieces in slow-cooker
  • Add enough water to cover with about 1/2 inch room at the top
  • Add seasonings
  • Cook on low in Crock-Pot® for about 12 to 15 hours (or overnight is good)
  • Strain chicken pieces and discard (they really don’t taste good after soaking so long)
  • Stock may be used immediately or frozen in individual serving sizes

Check out my low-FODMAP Happy Soup if you want to skip this preparation 🙂

Low-FODMAP Matzo Balls Recipe

  • After making the low-FODMAP chicken stock from scratch, I decided to opt out of making matzo from scratch
  • I compromised by making my own low-FODMAP matzo meal using store bought gluten-free matzo
  • Two gluten-free types of matzo were available. One had honey (so read labels!)
    • I like Manischewitz brand

  • I ground the matzo I selected in my food processor with a steel blade for just over one minute, until it appeared the same consistency as traditional matzo meal

Ingredients for the low-FODMAP matzo balls and soup

  • 1 cup gluten-free low-FODMAP matzo meal (prepared as above)
  • 4 large eggs
  • ½ tsp. baking powder
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • 3 medium carrots, peeled
  • Fresh dill or fresh parsley, chopped, for serving (optional)

Directions for making low-FODMAP matzo ball soup

  • Blend low-FODMAP matzo meal, eggs, baking powder, salt and olive oil in food processor with steel blade until combined, or combine by hand
  • Refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours; mixture will thicken
  • Form into balls
  • Try not to handle the balls much during the formation process; this will make the middles dense and doughy
    • Larger balls that are looser will be more light and tasty
      • I prefer my low-FODMAP matzo balls firm but not hard
  • Drop balls into boiling water or low-FODMAP chicken stock prepared as above
  • Boil, covered, for 40 minutes
  • Balls will plump up

  • Once cooked, you can serve immediately or store low-FODMAP matzo balls for later use
    • Place the low-FODMAP matzo balls in a casserole dish and refrigerate, covered (do not store in the water or stock)
  • When ready to serve, warm up chicken stock on stove (if not using to cook balls already)
  • Add two to three chopped carrots
  • When carrots are cooked to your taste add prepared low-FODMAP Matzo Balls to your hot low-FODMAP chicken broth
  • Garnish with fresh parsley, or dill
  • Serve with low-FODMAP, gluten-free bread or low-FODMAP, gluten-free matzo on the side

  • Not too hard, not too mushy!  These low-FODMAP Matzo Balls are absolutely delicious 🙂

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7 Responses

  1. I’m so confused! There are several IBS and/or SIBO sites that state collagenous broths to contain high levels of polysaccharides, and recommend only using marrow bones. Is this your belief?

    1. Cary,
      Thank you for your question, however we are not certain what sites you refer to. Store-bought broth, or collagenous broth powder could have additives that are concerning. However, using whole food in your meal preparation typically helps limit that contamination. Our recipe should not contain any FODMAPs. Collagen is a protein, and in its pure form should not contain FODMAPs either. Hope that helps you out. Check out our low-FODMAP Happy Gut Guide for more information!

  2. Hi Rachel,
    I no longer have a slow-cooker. Can I use my InstaPot? If so, do you have any idea how long I should program?

    Thank you,

    1. Michele,
      As far as we know, the InstaPot should work well for cooking soup such as this. However, we have not used one before. You may find some tips on other blogs that use the InstaPot for similar recipes (this one, for example). Good luck!

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