Easy Low-FODMAP Lemon and Herb Butter Roasted Turkey Recipe; Gluten-free

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You are going to be amazed by the moist, tender and delicious flavor of this low-FODMAP Lemon and Herb Butter Roasted Turkey.

It is not only delicious, it is super easy.

No basting.

No brining.

You can’t mess up this low-FODMAP Turkey recipe.

Love it on Thanksgiving with your family, make it for a Passover Seder (dairy-free variation below), or have it at your next Pot Luck gathering.  It will be gobbled up by everyone…pun intended 🙂

I serve this low-FODMAP Lemon and Herb Butter Roasted Turkey with:

You may also love the other amazing recipes on my low-FODMAP Thanksgiving menu blog!

Or check out over 500 more low-FODMAP recipes on the blog, IBS-friendly.

Be healthy and happy,

Rachel Pauls, MD

Low-FODMAP Lemon and Herb Butter Roasted Turkey Recipe; Gluten-free

Although this recipe has not been tested, a single serving should be low-FODMAP based on the ingredients

Serves 8-10

Prep time: 20 min plus 20 min to rest bird

Cook time 2 hours

Total time 2 hours 40 min

Bake 475 F, then 350 F

Equipment: Large roasting pan with rack, string,  meat thermometer (oven safe), aluminum foil


  • 1 (10 to 12 pound) whole turkey
    • Allow 1 to 1.5 pound per person
  • 3 tbsp plus 7 sprigs each of fresh thyme and rosemary; divided
  • 1 stick unsalted butter (8 tbsp)
    • For a dairy-free turkey, you can substitute avocado oil or Earth Balance vegan spread
  • 1 teaspoon salt, plus extra for sprinkling (liberally)
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper, plus extra for sprinkling (liberally)
  • 2 medium lemons; 1 zested and juiced, and one quartered; divided
    • Zest the lemon prior to cutting and juicing it
  • 3 medium carrots


  • If necessary, defrost your turkey over 1-3 days completely based on instructions provided (typically in the refrigerator)
  • Position a rack in the lower third of the oven; preheat to 475°F
  • Remove giblets and neck from turkey cavity (reserve for making low-FODMAP gravy if desired)
  • Place the turkey, breast-side up, on the rack in your large roasting pan; pat dry with paper towels
  • Liberally salt and pepper the inside of the turkey cavity
  • Partially melt the butter in microwave (Just enough so you can easily massage it into the turkey skin)
  • Add the zest and juice of the lemon and the chopped fresh spices, as well as the 1 tsp salt and pepper to the butter mixture
  • Rub the outside of the turkey with the butter mixture and get under the skin to rub the butter under the skin as well
    • If you have never done this, watch this online video to show you how to do this step (I love Ina Garten!)
    • Massage the butter and herbs into the bird well
  • Sprinkle with additional salt and pepper
  • Stuff the cavity with the quartered lemon, carrots and the fresh herb sprigs of rosemary and thyme
  • Tie the legs together with string and tuck the wing tips under the body of the turkey
  • Roast the turkey until the skin is golden brown, about 45 minutes
  • Remove the turkey from the oven
    • If using a remote digital thermometer, at this time insert it into the deepest part of the thigh, close to the joint
  • Cover the breast with a double layer of foil, cutting as necessary to conform to the breast
      • This allows the dark meat to cook fully while not drying out the breast meat
      • You only need to cover the breast parts

  • Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees and continue roasting for 1 to 1 & 1/2 hours more
  • The turkey is done when the inserted thermometer (or you can use an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the thigh without touching bone) registers 165°F
  • Transfer the turkey to a serving platter, remove the smaller piece foil, then use a larger piece foil to cover completely
    • Let the turkey rest for 15- 20 minutes
  • Resting the turkey is important to allow juices to distribute properly and keep the meat moist
  • Remove string and carve as desired

This low-FODMAP turkey is the moistest I have ever had, and the flavor of the herbs is absolutely perfect.

Comments Rating 5 (3 reviews)

11 Responses

  1. Turkey lemon herb roasted

    A delicious moist fragrant delight. My guests were amazed there was lemon in the recipe. Very excellent.

    1. Jeanne,
      What wonderful feedback! Thank you for sharing. Comments like this inspire us even more 🙂

  2. Absolutely delicious

    Very easy, tastes wonderful and the breast was perfect! All of my guests commented on how delicious the turkey was. Thank you for a great recipe.

  3. Is there any way to just use the breast of the turkey if it is just one person? Could I just put ingredients in aluminum foil and wrap around the breast would this be cooked at the same temperature as the original recipe but not as long?

    1. Hi Gillian,
      Sorry, we aren’t sure how to answer that. It would take a bit of trial and error.
      Instead, we suggest this recipe for low-FODMAP Maple Glazed Turkey Breast if you are cooking only the breast of the turkey. It is one of our favorites, and it suitable for a smaller amount of turkey. Hope that is helpful!

  4. We had this turkey for Thanksgiving and it was delicious. We do not usually eat turkey on Thanksgiving but, this is DEFINITELY my go-to turkey recipe for Thanksgiving when we made turkey. This is the best turkey I ever had!

    1. AWESOME. Imani you are blowing our mind!
      Thanks for sharing.
      P.S. If you leave us ‘stars’ on your comments, then GOOGLE can help readers find our recipes even easier 🙂

  5. This was my “Covid years” turkey – I made this the years we had thanksgiving at home and didn’t visit family during the pandemic. My children just told me that it’s the best turkey they’ve ever had and they requested it for Christmas dinner. We love this recipe! My husband got an almost 17lb. turkey; any advice on altering cooking time for a bird that big? Thank you for such a crowd-pleasing recipe!

    1. So happy to hear this feedback!
      We have not cooked that large a bird, but this website suggests about double the cooking time. We suggest you also consult your packaging if there are any suggestions by the turkey farm. Good luck!

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