Low-FODMAP ‘Copycat’ Panera Green Goddess Salad Dressing; Gluten-free

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One of my family’s favorite places to eat is Panera, and I love their vibe too.  But it can be tricky for me to find low-FODMAP options on their menu. Last time I ate there I fell in love with the flavor of their Green Goddess Cobb Salad dressing, and was optimistic that it could be an option for me.  Then I read the ingredients online: garlic, agave, shallots.  Not low-FODMAP.

So, I decided to create my own version!  Here is an amazing low-FODMAP ‘Copycat’ Panera Green Goddess Salad dressing.  Enjoy it on my Low-FODMAP Tossed Salad or Dr. Rachel’s Favorite Low-FODMAP Cobb Salad.

The base herb for this low-FODMAP Green Goddess dressing is basil, which provides healthy anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits. So good for you.

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Or check out over 600 more low-FODMAP recipes on the blog.  IBS-friendly!

Be healthy and happy,

Rachel Pauls, MD

Low-FODMAP Panera ‘Copycat’ Green Goddess Salad Dressing; Gluten-free

Although this recipe has not been lab tested, a single serving should be low-FODMAP based on the ingredients, using FODMAP data at time of posting

Yield: slightly more than 2 cups

Serving size: 2 tbsp

Prep time: 15 min

**Best prepared 30 min ahead or more; tastes better after a day in the refrigerator

Equipment: stand blender or immersion blender


  • 1 cup full fat, low-FODMAP mayonnaise (I like my low-FODMAP Mayonnaise recipe, or Hellman’s brand)
    • Ensure no gluten, high-fructose corn syrup, onion or garlic seasonings in the mayo
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt, plain (or lactose-free yogurt)
    • Greek yogurts vary in lactose content, check for your tolerance to a particular brand
  • 1 & 1/4 ounce (weighed) fresh basil leaves, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp shallot infused or garlic infused oil (for hints on shopping for these oils, see my Low-FODMAP Recipe swap blog)
  • 1/4 cup white wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons light corn syrup (adjust more or less to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard (confirm gluten-free and no high-FODMAP additives)
  • Pinch of kosher salt & coarse black pepper


  • In a tall jar (for immersion blending) or blender place all ingredients
  • Blend until well combined
  • Adjust syrup and salt/pepper to taste
  • Transfer to a container, cover, and refrigerate for about 30 minutes prior to use
  • Goes perfectly on a Low-FODMAP Cobb Salad or Low-FODMAP Tossed Salad

Comments Rating 4.67 (3 reviews)

11 Responses

  1. my favorite dressing!

    This was my favorite dressing and you have captured it perfectly! I love this on your Cobb Salad too. Thank you for posting this recipe and for your help with us on the low-FODMAP diet.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Erica they made our day! So pleased you loved this recipe too. ?

  2. Wanting to try this recipe! Was curious if regular yogurt can be substituted for greek yogurt? Will it change the taste or simply used for intolerance?

    1. Hi there!
      The greek yogurt is selected as it is lower in lactose. It is also somewhat thicker than regular yogurt. However, lactose-free yogurt should be a fine substitute while keeping it low in FODMAPs. Good luck!

    1. Thanks for the question!
      We suggest consuming a freshly made salad dressing within 3-4 days for optimal flavor and risk of spoilage. Good luck!

  3. New salad dressing

    Tried this for the first time today and it was excellent. Didn’t realize I had forgotten the plain Greek yogurt, so I substituted with vanilla flavored regular yogurt. Still turned out very tasty but will definitely do the green yogurt next time.

  4. In the absence of a reliable scale, any idea how much basil = 1 1/2 ounces? I have a ton of basil in my garden right now.

    1. Thanks for the question. We recommend having a scale when you are following the low-FODMAP diet, since so many measurements are best done that way.
      We have only made this recipe with the weight, but google suggests that 1 ounce is about 1.4 cups. So the total would be about 2.2 cups measured. Good luck!

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As an IBS-sufferer myself, I know how badly you want to feel healthy and happy. I’ve spent over a decade researching IBS and FODMAPs, and my recipes and guidance will help you succeed.

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