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The BEST Low-FODMAP Morning Glory Muffin Recipe; Gluten-free, Dairy-free

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These low-FODMAP Morning Glory muffins are filled with all the flavors and textures you love.  Pecans, raisins, coconut, pineapple, carrot, and (instead of apple) banana.  They are moist, filling and absolutely heavenly.

Whip up a batch over the weekend (easy, no fancy equipment required), and indulge yourself over many days to come.  They freeze beautifully, and the recipe yields a generous 17 muffins.

Enjoy these low-FODMAP morning glory muffins with butter or vegan spread, low-FODMAP rhubarb jam or just plain, warm from the oven.  These are amazing next to a cup of low-FODMAP Pumpkin Spice Latte. Soooo good.

Note: Due to the high FODMAP levels of apple at the time of blog posting, apple was omitted from this recipe.  

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Or check out over 550 more low-FODMAP recipes on the blog!  IBS-friendly.

Be healthy and happy,

Rachel Pauls, MD

P.S. Did you know that I have a cookbook?! It’s the BEST!

the low-fodmap IBS solution

That’s right!  Order NOW on Amazon!

Although this recipe has not been lab tested, a single serving should be low-FODMAP based on the ingredients (using FODMAP data at time of posting)

Yield: 17 muffins

Prep time: 10 minutes

Bake time: 22-25 minutes

Total time: 35 minutes

Bake 350 F

Calories Per Serving: 304


  • 2 cups Authentic Foods GF Classical Blend, or other all-purpose GF, low-FODMAP flour (check out my low-FODMAP bake off for the reason I love this brand)
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon xanthan gum, if not added to your flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups peeled and coarsely grated carrots
  • 1 medium ripe banana, mashed
    • 1/3 ripe banana is one low-FODMAP serving
  • 1/ 2 cup (65 g) raisins
    • 13 g is one low-FODMAP serving
    • if you don’t love raisins, then you can skip this, or add additional pecans!
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans
    • 20 g is one low-FODMAP serving
  • 1/2 cup sweetened shredded coconut
    • 2/3 cup is one low-FODMAP serving
  • 1 cup crushed fresh pineapple, drained
    • 1 cup is one low-FODMAP serving
  • 1 cup canola oil
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 & 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • Coarse raw sugar for sprinkling on top


  • Preheat oven to 350ºF and position rack in center of oven.
  • Grease 17 muffin cups with cooking spray, and line with liners
  • Mix low-FODMAP flour, sugar, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder, xanthan gum, and salt in a large mixing bowl
  • Add carrots, banana, raisins (if using), pecans, and coconut; stir to coat evenly
  • Mix in pineapple
  • In a separate small bowl combine oil, eggs and vanilla and whisk until well combined
  • Add liquids to flour mixture and stir until very well blended
  • Fill 17 of the muffin cups in the muffin pans evenly, about 2/3 full (do not overfill wells)
  • Sprinkle with coarse sugar
  • Bake about 22-25 minutes until muffins are light golden brown and springy to the touch (check for doneness at 20 minutes)
    • Tester should come out clean
  • Cool in pan for 5 minutes and transfer to a rack to cool completely

Comments Rating 5 (1 review)

18 Responses

  1. I have made this recipe three times and they disappear fast. The ingredients are delicious. Easy to make. Double the recipe because you can freeze them.

  2. This is somewhat similar to hubby’s favorite hummingbird. Just finished one freshly baked. So tempted to eat them all at once! Unbelievably delicious. Now to hide them from hubby…

    1. Hi Don,
      Thanks for the question. We aren’t sure the texture would be the same with this substitution, as we have only made the muffins using sugar. If you try this, let us know how they turn out!

  3. I love these muffins, they are so yummy! Do you have a nutrition breakdown for them? I’m particularly interested in the protein and fibre content.

    PS, I also enjoy the other recipes on your page that I have tried. 🙂

    1. Hi Jennysbee!
      Thanks for your comments.
      Unfortunately we do not provide nutritional data for our recipes. We are sorry.
      However, we are SO happy you loved the muffins!!
      Have a great day and please stay in touch 🙂

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As an IBS-sufferer myself, I know how badly you want to feel healthy and happy. I’ve spent over a decade researching IBS and FODMAPs, and my recipes and guidance will help you succeed.

Enjoy everything my site has to offer!

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