Classic Low-FODMAP Crème Brûlée Recipe; Gluten-free

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Always a crowd-pleaser, this low-FODMAP Crème Brûlée is rich, luscious and creamy, just like the ones you remember.

The name means ‘burnt cream’, as homage to the gentle toasting of the sugar top for this gorgeous confection.

While it may seem beyond your kitchen abilities to caramelize the tops of these low-FODMAP Crème brûlées, I have a shortcut!  You can opt to use your broiler instead of a torch.

You can flavor this Classic Low-FODMAP Crème Brûlée Recipe with any flavored extract you desire- just add about 1-2 teaspoons to the mixture instead of the vanilla.  Try it with espresso, cinnamon, hazelnut, almond, coconut or lemon.

Low-FODMAP Crème Brûlée is SO delicious, versatile and naturally gluten-free. Top it with fresh low-FODMAP blueberries or raspberries and dig in.

FODMAP fact about whipped cream: The Monash App reports that 1/2 cup of whipped cream is low-FODMAP.  However, it appears they imply the final whipped form, NOT the liquid form.  That would equal 1/4 cup of the liquid form for one serving. That being said, I opted to use a combination of canned coconut cream (low-FODMAP in 2 ounce portions) and lactose-free half and half to create my low-FODMAP Crème Brûlée.  However, if you can’t find lactose-free half and half, or you don’t like coconut cream, then for the amount of servings shown (6-8), a similar amount of heavy whipped cream should also work well for this recipe.

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Or check out over 300 more low-FODMAP recipes on the blog. IBS-friendly!

Be healthy and happy,

Rachel Pauls, MD

Classic Low-FODMAP Crème Brûlée Recipe; Gluten-free

Although this recipe has not been tested, a single serving should be low-FODMAP based on the ingredients

Serves 6-8

Prep time: 20 min + chilling

Bake time: 45-50 min

Total time: 65M + chilling 4-5 hours or overnight

Bake 325 F


  • Six 5-ounce ramekins or Eight 4-ounce ramekins
    • Note: A four ounce ramekin actually holds about 2.5 ounces of custard, in order to have a large enough gap at the top.  The ones I used were described as ‘4-ounce’, and I had eight servings.
    • I recommend choosing a shallow Crème Brûlée ramekin to ensure even cooking and also to have a good ratio of crust to custard
  • Rimmed baking sheet or large casserole pan large enough to sit ramekins in for water bath
  • Mesh sieve for straining the custard


  • 1 vanilla bean, or can substitute 2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste or vanilla extract
  • 1 cup canned coconut cream (not the same as ‘cream of coconut’)
    • 2 ounces is one low-FODMAP serving
    • Depending on the brand you select, there may be a hint of coconut flavor to the cream
      • Check out my low-FODMAP Grocery Shopping Blog for my favorite brands of coconut cream
      • Chill the can, then discard the liquid after you scoop out the solid cream (the solid cream will become liquid when you warm it for the recipe)
      • If you really don’t like the flavor of coconut, then you can opt to use all lactose-free half and half (listed next), but this will be a slightly less creamy version, or substitute heavy whipping cream for the coconut cream (I would not use more than 1 cup of heavy whipping cream for this whole recipe *see note above)
  • 1 cup lactose-free half and half cream (can also substitute almond milk, for a slightly less creamy creme brûlée in a dairy-free version)
    • I used Organic Valley Lactose-free Half and Half Cream
  • 5 room temperature egg yolks (use the whites in low-FODMAP Meringue cookies or low-FODMAP Pavlova!)
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 6-8 teaspoons castor sugar (to make the toasted sugar topping)
    • This is a finely granulated sugar, if you don’t have it you can blend regular sugar in your processor until superfine


  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees F and prepare a baking dish or rimmed baking sheet that will fit your choice of ramekins and allow a water bath
  • Set your kettle to boil, or place pot on stove to boil water
  • If using vanilla bean, split the vanilla bean in half and scrape out the seeds
  • Pour coconut cream and lactose-free half and half or other low-FODMAP milk choice into a medium saucepan on medium heat.  Add the sugar, and vanilla bean seeds (or vanilla extract) and whisk to combine
  • Heat until just before it comes to a simmer then remove from heat.  Let stand for 5 minutes away from heat.
  • Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, whisk together the egg yolks until fluffy and just starting to lighten in color
  • Gently pour in the heated milk, slowly while whisking, to temper the eggs
    • I did this 1 tbsp at a time, if you add the hot liquid too quickly it will cook your eggs
  • Once well incorporated, pour the mixture through a sieve or mesh strainer into a measuring cup
  • Place ramekins in your baking dish. Set dish on oven rack and pour an equal amount of brûlée mixture into each ramekin (leave about 1/2 inch from the rim unfilled)
  • Carefully pour the hot water into the baking dish around the ramekins, about halfway up the sides of them
  • Bake for 45-50 minutes, checking for doneness at about 40 minutes (since ovens vary).
    • The mixture should jiggle slightly in the middle when it is ready
  • Remove from oven, and using tongs, place ramekins them on a wire rack to cool to room temperature then transfer them to your fridge for at least four hours to set, covered lightly with plastic wrap
    • Can also refrigerate up to 3 days before eating
  • To coat the top of your low-FODMAP crème brûlées with sugar, make sure the surface is completely dry
  • Sprinkle 1-2 teaspoons of castor sugar over the custard evenly
    • You want to avoid any gaps, because anywhere there isn’t sugar the custard will melt when you apply the torch
    • The layer should be thin, but completely covering the low-FODMAP crème brulee so it won’t burn
  • Using your torch, according to instructions, gently toast sugar immediately before serving
    • Or place on baking sheet directly under broiler for 3-5 min, watching closely
    • If you use a broiler, you may want to put the ramekins in an ice bath so the custard does not cook
  • Garnish with low-FODMAP berries, if desired


Comments Rating 5 (1 review)

2 Responses

  1. love all the recipes.weekend going to bake Cream brullie.let you know how it goes.

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As an IBS-sufferer myself, I know how badly you want to feel healthy and happy. I’ve spent over a decade researching IBS and FODMAPs, and my recipes and guidance will help you succeed.

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