The Best Low-FODMAP Candied ‘Beer’ Nuts; Gluten-free, Vegan

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Candied “beer” nuts are the perfect starter for any occasion. Crunchy, sweet, and salty, I could eat the entire baking sheet of these lovely snacks.

I used to assume that beer was used in preparing ‘beer nuts’.  Guess what?  It’s not.  Instead, these are nicknamed due to a popular brand of candied peanuts (“Beer Nuts”), often served at bars, alongside a pint. Just like ‘tea biscuits’ don’t have any tea in them ?

For this low-FODMAP Candied “Beer” Nut recipe, I like a variety of mixed nuts, so it is a gorgeous and fancy treat, suitable for any occasion.

You may notice that walnuts are the largest proportion in this recipe.  Although all nuts have great health attributes, I love to consume walnuts.  Not only are they quite low in FODMAPs, but they are high in omega-3 fats, and a great component of the Mediterranean diet. Adding these healthy fats infuses our bodies with the proper nutrient balance, but even more exciting: omega-3 fats have been linked to suppressing appetite, and lower body weight.

You won’t believe you can enjoy such decadence while being good to your body.  Serve these at your next football party, or holiday celebration, and your friends won’t want to leave!

*Note: Cashews are a high-FODMAP food.  I can consume them, based on my results with FODMAP reintroduction.  However, choose another option as outlined unless you have also completed that important second phase!

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Or check out over 500 more low-FODMAP recipes on the blog!  IBS-friendly.

Be healthy and happy,

Rachel Pauls, MD

Although this recipe has not been lab tested, a single serving should be low-FODMAP based on the ingredients (using available FODMAP data at time of posting)

Serves: 15-20 (about 25g nuts per serving)

Prep time: 5 min

Bake time: 25 min

Total time: 30 min

Bake: 350F


  • 7 ounces (200g) whole walnut halves
    • 30g is one low-FODMAP serving; maximum serve per FODMAP friendly of 270g
  • 3.5 ounces (100g) whole pecan halves
    • 20g is one low-FODMAP serving (10); maximum serve per FODMAP friendly of 150g
  • 3.5 ounces (100g) whole hazelnuts
    • 30g is one low-FODMAP serving; maximum serve per FODMAP friendly of 150g
  • 1.5 ounces (42.5g) whole peanuts, almonds, or cashews**
    • Peanuts contain only trace FODMAPs
    • For almonds, 12g is one low-FODMAP serving per Monash; 30g per FODMAP friendly; maximum serve per FODMAP friendly of 150g
    • **If you tolerate cashews, then you can substitute these
      • Only do so if you have completed the FODMAP reintroduction phase as these are a FODMAP combination food; these are otherwise considered a high-FODMAP choice (see notes above)
  • 3 tablespoons pure maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons light brown sugar, lightly packed
  • 1 and 1/2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon of avocado oil, peanut oil, or vegetable oil
  • 2 teaspoons Kosher salt or flaked salt; divided


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and lay parchment paper on a rimmed sheet pan
  • In a large bowl, place all the nuts of your choice
  • Add your avocado or other oil, maple syrup, brown sugar, fresh orange juice, and 1 teaspoon of the salt
  • Toss everything together well to coat, then lay the nuts on your sheet pan and spread into a single layer
  • Bake in your preheated oven for 10 mins, then remove and stir, and replace again for another 15 minutes, or until they are glazed and golden (I like mine extra toasty, so I added five more minutes of baking time)
  • Remove and sprinkle with the remaining salt and allow to cool at room temperature on the pan supported by a wire rack
    • You want them to stay apart while they cool so they don’t stick
  • Taste, and add additional salt as necessary
  • Store in an airtight container at room temperature

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2 Responses

  1. Thank you! This was delicious!! Followed recipe for the exception of swapping out macadamia nuts for a few brazil nuts. So Good!!

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As an IBS-sufferer myself, I know how badly you want to feel healthy and happy. I’ve spent over a decade researching IBS and FODMAPs, and my recipes and guidance will help you succeed.

Enjoy everything my site has to offer!

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25 Easy & Delicious Low-FODMAP, Gluten-free 30-Minute Meals (Dinners)
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