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Dr. Rachel’s Low-FODMAP Shopping List and Cooking Tips for a Coronavirus COVID-19 Quarantine: Stock your Fridge and Freezer

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Right now is a pretty intense time for our Nation and our World.  Coronavirus, or COVID-19 is spreading rapidly, and has led to what the CDC is calling a ‘Pandemic’.

While many of us are aware of the potential risk for ourselves and our families, we are still uncertain how to prepare.

In my medical practice, all of us are collaborating to cultivate the safest environment we can.  We are working to ensure adequate resources are available, and educating our trainees as new plans are made.  I am ready to fill in wherever I can, to help make sure people get the treatments they need.  In the meantime, I want to keep myself as healthy as possible.

Last week I spent some time trying to decide what groceries to have on hand, and what meals I wanted to prepare and freeze.  I may be working long hours away from my family, and want to have nourishing options available.

Here is my low-FODMAP list to shop effectively and plan easy and healthy low-FODMAP meals that your whole family will enjoy.  I selected my favorite recipes with short ingredient lists and simple directions.

Stock your fridge and freezer.  Stay home and safe.

You may also want to read over 350 more low-FODMAP Recipes on my blog.

Be healthy,

Rachel Pauls, MD

Dr. Rachel’s Low-FODMAP Shopping List for Coronavirus Quarantine Planning:

Dried goods and Baking Supplies:

  • Oats:  Traditional rolled oats, Quick oats, Instant oatmeal packets (plain or maple/brown sugar)
  • Quinoa: Red, white or black, Quinoa flakes
  • Rice: brown, Basmati, Arborio
  • low-FODMAP Protein powder (I like brown rice protein powder, this brand available on Amazon)
  • low-FODMAP, gluten-free flour
  • low-FODMAP, gluten-free baking mix (I like gluten-free Bisquick)
  • low-FODMAP, gluten-free pastas
  • low-FODMAP, gluten-free bread (freeze)
  • Cocoa powder
  • Oil: Olive, canola, coconut
  • Garlic infused oil or other infused oil (onion, mushroom)
  • Sugar and brown sugar
  • Soy sauce
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • Vinegar: distilled white, red wine, apple cider
  • Seasonings: low-FODMAP spices like: rosemary, oregano, paprika, cinnamon, nutmeg, ancho chile, dry mustard powder
  • Chocolate chips
  • Baking powder, baking soda, xanthan gum, vanilla extract if you don’t already have these

Canned goods:

  • Canned tomatoes
  • Canned tomato paste
  • Canned pumpkin
  • Canned coconut milk
  • Canned chickpeas (do not substitute dried)
  • Canned lentils (do not substitute dried)
  • Canned tuna
  • Canned salmon

Condiments and Snack Foods:

  • Peanut butter
  • Almond butter
  • Chia Seeds
  • Peanuts
  • Other preferred low-FODMAP nuts, such as pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, coconut
  • Condiments: mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, dijon mustard, maple syrup
  • Almond milk (shelf stable)
  • Cereal (Rice Krispies, Cheerios, Corn Flakes)

Meats and Frozen goods:

  • Beef: Ground beef or stew beef
  • Poultry: Ground chicken or turkey, chicken breasts, turkey breasts, chicken thighs, whole chicken, chicken wings for making stock
  • Deli Turkey (no added onion or garlic)
  • Fresh frozen vegetables: corn, green beans, broccoli
  • Fresh frozen fruit: strawberries, blueberries (great for smoothies or my low-FODMAP Overnight Quinoa)


  • Lactose-free yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Cheese (your favorite: Cheddar, Mozzarella, Colby Jack, Parmesan)
  • Potatoes
  • Bananas (if they brown, then can be used for baking)
  • Oranges
  • Lemons and limes (great for adding flavors to recipes)
  • Carrots
  • Butter
  • Scallions or Chives

Dr. Rachel’s Low-FODMAP Simple Recipes for Coronavirus Quarantine:


Lunch and Dinner:

Snacks and Treats:

Here are some websites to find more updates and information about Coronavirus:









New Zealand:


Stay safe, make sure to wash your hands, and support each other.

(Don’t buy all the toilet paper)

My best to you all,

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2 Responses

  1. It seemed as though (and I’m not going to go back) every recipe had a dead animal in it… I prefer to avoid murdering them.

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As an IBS-sufferer myself, I know how badly you want to feel healthy and happy. I’ve spent over a decade researching IBS and FODMAPs, and my recipes and guidance will help you succeed.

Enjoy everything my site has to offer!

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